Wednesday my Friday

Wrote an entry then it ran away into the aether. Yesterday- did laundry and went to dinner w/ Jeff at Ti Couz. I love that place so much. I can’t really post any of our conversation here except maybe some weird small world stuff, my predecessor plays soccer with him (or did). I ate so much my stomach hurt! Clean, hot laundry is great. Got to wear exactly what I wanted this morning instead of “what was clean”. Ends up being black pants, grey sweater, black shirt – so creative, color me wacky. The plan is to go to Yoga tonight at 7:30, let’s see if that really happens. I want to play golf this weekend, as well as do a lot of biking. Let’s hope that happens too. Just ate Indian food with Paul and feel strangely focussed.

Here is a good link, if I had time to read it all …