I was amongst the mommies. I took my nephew (4) to the zoo and was suddenly in the world of parents. It afforded me great opportunities to talk to random people. One woman, though, with two older kids, started talking to me with no greeting first or other transition.
Her: And so we left our dog in Long Beach in the basement, and it’s going to be like watching a 2-year old, he eats everything, and I just am here like, wow all these animals, but I have this dog at home…
Not kidding. The Lemur Cafe is great at the zoo, but kind of odd in its presentation of just hamburgers, hamburgers with cheese, hot dogs, and fries. They are so kid-centric it’s kind of odd.
Tried to convince nephew that the zoo didn’t take kids, except perhaps the very well-behaved ones.
I got lost a thousand times. Where the f*** is the playground??? And they fleece you of 3$ at every turn. The steam train ride was quite fun. The elephants have been escorted off the premises. Lots of “this animal (be it bird/elephant, etc.) lost his or her mate and has been relocated to a more social zoo/farm/etc.” kind of interesting.
The Rhino was very active and pushed a log across the pen. He also sprayed a fence, which looked like someone was standing behind him with a water pistol. We got a kick out of that.
No animals mating! dang.
A goat in the petting/farm kid’s zoo picked and ate a map out of a guy’s pocket.
One of the best parts of the SF Zoo is that it’s about 3 minutes from the ocean. Nephew and I ran down there and tried to dig clams, fling seaweed around, skip stones . Good “big muscle activity” before being bored to death by sleeping, trapped animals. I like the zoo. Really.