Open Letter to Ladies in Gym Locker Room
I go to the gym, and do a full workout. When I get back to the locker room, the same two people that were there from the start. That’s an Hour. Lady #1: naked, doing soemthing to look busy but basically just nude. Lady #2. talking about the power dynamics of her landlord situation. When I come back from workout, Lady #1 is still nude and chatty Cathy is slightly quieter but continuing her tale of landlord woe.
So my question: was that some kind of Matrix moment? Or did Lady #1 stand there the entire time in the main passageway, nude? I think she did because her lotion was very strong, despite the large signs everywhere saying it’s an odor-free zone (I know that’s an impossible hope). So, dear lady, how come you came to the gym to hang out in the locker room? I hope you have some clothes. I don’t mean to sound like a prude, if you can be naked anywhere, it should be the locker room. But in reality there’s a few seconds where I’m nude inbetween bathing suit changing and that’s about it. The whole “standing about in birthday suit” method of locker room loungitude has never been for me.
Lady #2: Landlord woes are usually about as fascinating to people as dreams. I know you feel the need to vent. My suggestion: get a blog!