Breaking news… got an SMS from the Real Jelly (she’s aliiiiiive!) about how she’s in Target, and saw our friend’s book for sale.
The book? “This Is Not Chick Lit”. The friend? Elizabeth (link to the right on blogroll). Oh so many feelings… pride! Go Beth! Sadness… are we the women in curlers roaming the aisles, picking up books, and we’re the demographic of those that buy our friends’ book, it’s true, and we shop at Target, (tar-jhay) and we are all of these things at once. Bit of an identity issue.
I’ve written about meeting up with now famous Beth a few months ago. I did the exact same thing with the Real Jelly- appetizers at Rose Pistola– and something lept out of my mouth totally without thinking.
Raising my Blue Paddle beer (because labels are important) we toasted to: “Some kind of 17 year-old fantasy of what our lives would be like now.”
In other news: I have my eye on a new black Macbook, but waiting until later this week… to get the nice Core 2 that the Macbook Pro has. Buying it now! It’s already released! Why not the Pro? I want the small screen, baby.