Managed to get an hour in here, in the middle of days. Sneaky 1K between Friday and Saturday. Wrote the Pride & Prejudice scene where Darcy makes his first proposal, and is shot down, and in the process insults her and her family. Nice work, there Mr. Big Man! In my version, he insults her, and her friends and family, and it also has shades of sexual harassment. Go Darcy! Can the hero be redeemed after this? The following is a scene I threw in where she is going over the drama with two flight attendants on a flight back to SF from O’Hare.
On the flight home from Chicago, Liz watched Monsoon Wedding. She wanted it to be Bride & Prejudice, and kept replacing the actors and plot in her mind. She wasn’t really watching it. Cramped in 34C, against the window, that ideally would help her sleep but really just gave her legs the pins and needles and made her long to climb over the elderly, sloshed couple passed out next to her and stand in the vestibule. For two hours, she practiced meditation and yoga, while catching glimses of the movie, to release the muscles in her legs, then gave up, and got her 6′ frame out of there and in the back near the flight attendants. It was a red eye, and two of the girls were chatty. She poured herself some coffee, Cherry, one of the attendants, poured herself one and spiked them both with rum.
“That’ll take the edge off the fact that we have a headwind that is not helping.”
Cherry had brunette helmet hair and dramatic, lacquered make-up. “The captain on this flight is so incredibly hot. You will die when you de-board and see him.”
Shanelle, the other attendant, rolled her eyes. “YOu think every captain is the cat’s meow. Three words, Cherry. Get A Boyfriend.”
“I don’t need a boyfriend. I have a husband.”
“Let me repeat: get a boyfriend.”