Day 5 & 6: Flat

utah- salt flats
Day 5, we drove from to Lincoln, Nebraska to Laramie, Wyoming. Day 6 (today) we drove from Laramie to Wells, Nevada.

We just pushed through a record 580 mile day- quite a distance with 3 kids, dog and cat, and we weren’t speeding. One of the hardest part of this trip is finding hotels that take pets, and fill other semi-requirements like first floor, wi-fi, continental breakfast, non-smoking. The iPhone helps- we do recon with Google Maps when we decide on a city to stop at. The other thing- managing the timing of all the little bladders and stomachs. Third would be: entertaining said children without getting car sick.

Super 8 has wi-fi, and a dog-friendly attitude. Cute sign at the Super 8: “Dogs don’t bust down doors. Dogs don’t beat up furniture. Dogs don’t throw violent parties. We love dogs.” Last hotel I was at- the Hotel 6 in Laramie- had a beer opener screwed onto the bathroom wall. NICE. Seriously, it was useful. Went wi-fi-free last night, which just made me work on my MySql installation on my MacBook. I’ve had 2 days of not-so-hot sleep, not sure if it’s the time change or just lack of recovery from “laundry night.” I had a rough hour with the 4-year-old who hid in his blanket for most of the hour, and later asked, “When are you leaving?” We worked out some kind of peace and we drove together the last few hours before this town, Wells, Nevada. He told me about his dream to open a “pet store in your hotel room.” Combination of- my room is bigger usually and has more room, and, he likes his pets.
We are going to treat ourselves to a fun leisurely drive tomorrow and the next day. . Jenny, Birk and I were poring over the map when finaly it’s like, let’s just call Mom, she’s done it a zillion times. Sure enough she weighed our suggestions and made her own- all without a map present. The plan: Tahoe, then down 5 to Pacheco Pass.

Wells is small and the only town after a 60 mile salt stretch. Nevada is such a shock after the puritanesque Utah. But generalizations about Nevada aside, we went to a store to try to get sippy cups, but it was closed. A few people talked to us outside. One lady offered her own in her mobile home, and another lady went back to the store, re-opened it, and handed Birk a package of 6 for free.

A bunch of kids are playing with a remote car right now outside my window. Wish they would go to bed. Where are their parents!! Arg, it’s only 9PM! Problem with changing a time zone every day.