Updates & Tidbits & News & Stuff

I’ve been busy this last month, too busy to write blog posts believe it or not. Doing what, you ask? Well…

In the beginning of August, I completed the 5-week Women2.0 Labs project. You create a start-up, essentially. Our start-up is FreezeFare– freeze your airfare for a day or a few days. We take on the risk! More on this experience at Women2.0. Follow us at @freezefare.


At the end of August, released a new iPhone educational game: French Bingo, or Bingueau. Check it out! I did this project with my friend & talented French translator, Mary MacArthur.


Attended the 2-day hackfest that is iOSDevCamp, where Stacie Hibino and I won “Best Social Game” for SocialPong: a crowd-source version of the classic Pong game. That’s right. The crowd controls the paddles. View the demo here. Follow us at @socialpong.


My workblog “Adventures in Email Marketing” is alive and well- thanks to Gavin Handley, a colleague from Kodak who has taken the writing reins. Gavin’s a very creative marketer, who shares my views on effective, ethical marketing. Follow him at @kiwigavin14. Yes, he’s a New Zealander.

I’m currently available for iPhone development consulting, so if you or someone you love has that great app idea, drop me a line at banane-at-gmail.com, or anna-at-banane.com. See iPhone Projects for more info.