Author: anna

  • exercise hangover

    Yeah, it happens. Woke up without the alarm, thinking “wow, maybe I’ll go into work early” becuase it’s so early? because I woke up before the alarm? No no no. I actually sleep-walked over to alarm and grabbed it, brought it to bed and turned it off. Ha. The reason is probably because I had…

  • gravy and bread pudding

    Er, they thought it was chocolate sauce. Really gross. Had a so-so workout weekend, brougt my gym bag tonight so I can have a big gym evening. I feel pretty toned and stuff, but slept so much over the weekend like I was fighting off a cold. Talked in depth to Dad about his workout,…

  • slumpity slump

    Kind of in a slump. Went to the Y yesterday, talked to Chris my trainer for a bit, well, he’s the personal health coach, or wellness coach, or whatever. Not sure what that means. We made an appt. to review my circuit in 2 weeks. Got a great massage, only 30 minutes though, and realized…

  • fun times, fun times

    First game with girl team- it was pretty bumpy at first but we hit our stride halfway through and actually put up a defense. I got really int my/the game about halfway through and had such a blast. I had to seriously calm down when I got home, went on a walk and got a…

  • sniff, sneeze

    Still sneezing ridiculously, the red wine hangover probably! Raced around yesterday for dinner party, and it all turned out. Bit of freaky anxiety when Laura and i were staring at each other bored, but then Hang & Vandan arrived, and all was well. Game tonight.

  • running

    I had a great workout yesterday. Went to gym pretty early after work after being goaded by Paul to get there at 5pm (!). DIdn’t have my gym key so went home and got dressed then came back. Ran through the circuit, and I’ve finally moved on from my initial settings and really pushed some…

  • another truck ran over feeling!

    Moved Rebecca on Saturday and am still recovering. Basically an interesting combination of stairs, heavy lifting, organizing, and brute strength for about 7 hours (11am to 6pm). Went out afterward so didn’t have the most recovering sleep. Instead sujo-induced haha. Now grateful to sit in front of a computer all day, if you can believe…

  • ran over by a truck

    (from my family list:) “I’m going happily back in to the embrace of the all-women’s team, which starts next week. Things I won’t miss about co-ed: someone always cries on the court (because hit by ball, yelled at by aggro team member, list goes on). Being covered in sweat b/c you’re blocking some guy who…

  • work, work, work

    I’ve had to pull long nights lately. Luckily I’ve drifted back to the rut I had when travelling: work late, go to gym, get a movie. It was good last night though the clock was a little late, ended up getting to the gym around 8 (it closes at 9! yay!). Did the circuit, ran…

  • slothdom prevails,,1299444,00.html and Paris’ book is out, I’m all atwitter. My best review of course is this random Amazon one: “Will you marry me Paris Hilton? I would love not to have to work another day in my life and just well, feed off the capitalistic consumers that make these corporate pompous lives possible” (sigh) Worked…