Author: anna

  • Team Dynamics

    So last night really put me in a weird funk- what I had thought, and I might have been deceiving myself, was a fun sportsman-like game turned nasty and aggressive. Friend watched the match. We lost, which we’ve done before, and yet this time there was so much negative feeling amongst the team. Directed at…

  • blogger slow

    blogger is slow today. Yest: hiked up to the top of nob hill, without stopping, which is a first for me! That’s a great afterwork little hike that I’ll try to incorporate in more often. It was gusty and super foggy up there. It is such an oasis of intense tourism. The hotel where friend…

  • cocooning

    There’s something about realizing you’re maxed out, and then your body actually tells it to you. I went home yesterday and crashed completely, just read, ate cereal, read some more. Went to bed late, but then today was so excellent, good mood all day, all that jazz. Want to say something vicious here about men’s…

  • Write Night! Like Fight Night, sort of. Had a great time w/ Kevin & Becca, though Honeytrap didn’t progress that quickly. No workout, still getting sleep and recovering from the visitation.

  • bball game

    Well, I got two attempts to shoot in the game today and blew them both, but that’s a real record- I haven’t had almost any ball time this season. I’m going to be glad to get into the women’s league, that’s for sure. But I think I became a better player this season. Jenn &…

  • sleep-in day

    Oh lovely sleep-in day, but my alarm went off anyways haha. I managed to sleep through it. I’m re-dedicating myself to fitness this next month. Trying to setup a book club around this fitness book (for my own motivation?). Lots of errands today. It’s so nice to not work today!!! Went to Meghan’s 3rd birthday…

  • Tuesday why do i put dates on these headers

    because the date is already on here… did laundry last night (love stacks of warm laundry!!!!) and thought about getting new laundry bags. Played Super Bounce Out ! for a compulsive 3? hours? or something insane. Woke up late from another dead, dead sleep that felt great. Read worrisome Madrid bombing article in NY’er. Going…

  • exhaustion

    I dreamt about how exhausted I was (as well as Thomas the Train (???)) that’s how tired I was. We went to Chrissy Field yesterday then down to San Jose. I actually managed to “troubleshoot” what was wrong with my car, and luckily it was something simple and fixable: so i go out to…

  • sadness & victory

    My aunt Mary passed away today. She might have been around 68, not sure. She died of cancer, luckily in hospice, not some ghastly hospital. She had 9 children, and I remember her being really vibrant, always energetic and laughing. We have a great photo of one of her visits (she actually visited us!) where…

  • sadness & victory

    My aunt Mary passed away today. She might have been around 68, not sure. She died of cancer, luckily in hospice, not some ghastly hospital. She had 9 children, and I remember her being really vibrant, always energetic and laughing. We have a great photo of one of her visits (she actually visited us!) where…