Category: iMurder

  • iMurder 6: Squeeze Toy

    The sixth in a series about murder, dot-com style.Start at the beginning. Squeeze Toy Beth swivelled around idly on Jelly’s chair. She had dropped by Mac’s office before going to a happy hour downtown. She had spent the last few hours in Dolores Park reading. Jelly had no books at her desk. She had a…

  • iMurder 5: Hopping on Your Wireless

    iMurder: the fifth in a series about murder, dot-com style.Start at the beginning. Hopping On Your Wireless Elfin walked into the Starbucks on Potrero. It was actually on Mariposa but he always thought of it as “that Starbucks.” It was big and anonymous, and better yet it was full of marks. People he could use…

  • iMurder 4: Salsa in the Fog

    iMurder: the fourth in a series about murder, dot-com style. Start at the beginning. Chapter 4: Salsa in the Fog The stretch of five days of fog didn’t stop the Fillmore Street Festival from unfurling her band stages. Beth was navigating the crowds when she saw her salsa teacher, SF PD Detective Sosa, and his…

  • iMurder 3: ZeitGeist Port-A-Potty

    iMurder: the third in a series about a murder, dot-com style. Start at the beginning. Zeitgeist Port-A-Potty Detective Sosa walked through the interior of the famous biker bar to the large garden area. Calling it a garden was being complimentary. It mainly consisted of as many wooden picnic benches you could wedge into a single…

  • iMurder 2: Cherry Red Smooth

    iMurder: the second in a series about a murder, dot-com style.Start at the beginning Chapter Two: Cherry Smooth Mac’s alarm clock function on his cell phone went off at 8am and woke them both up. Beth got ready quickly. They barely exchanged any words, something about how he didn’t have any meetings that morning, and…

  • iMurder 1: Troll Under the Bridge

    The first in a series, about a murder, dot-com style. You’re at the beginning! Troll Under the Bridge Mike rode into the site with Jack that morning. It was like being a troll under the bridge, working on the Golden Gate Bridge renovations. He swallowed the last of his Big Mac and started on the…