SF GoogleBus Appeals Hearing Recap
(Or, some other super sexy title). SF politics- so interesting. So, a few months ago the city transit board decided to respond to protests regarding the Google buses (all Silicon Valley employee shuttle buses- intercity, not intracity shuttles) by creating a pilot program. This program would charge the companies $1 per stop, per day. The…
My Awesome (1940s) Neighbors
Via Burrito Justice, I started looking into the National Archives’ released census data on who exactly lived at my address (via 1900 Sanborn Fire Insurance maps)- the corner of Columbus (formerly Montgomery) and Taylor, in North Beach. The entries are fascinating, especially when I started doing the math. The details are fun. I decided to…
I Can Haz Copy?
Welcome to I Can Haz Murder, a murder mystery… start here A strip joint in the morning, an empty paddy wagon trolling down the main drag, two young guys in striped shirts and jeans, stumbling and laughing down Grant Street with lattes. This was the cheerful grittiness of Beth’s walk up Columbus to her new…
Things I Love About SF
Well, first off, not the eau de trash that is wafting in my window from the sewers… on a hot day not the ideal place to live. As I flew to Baltimore then drove back, I had a lot of time to think about the things I like about this fair city. – Lots of…
Spring Cleaning
For me, it meant the low tech solution of plain old soap, water, a rag and a lot of elbow grease to wipe down the white (!) railing on my balcony that had collected tons of SF city grime. Then the high tech solution of amping my wi-fi to 5gHz and stop leaching off of…
I added 3 iMovies to this site- all local color kind of SF, documentary-style things. Check them out. The 1-minute ones are more “moving pictures” as in studies in neat stills, and sounds. The cab ride is a kind of snapshot of going through town, to music. More movies are at video page on this…
Everything’s Backwards
The drivers here go up Jackson, then let the break go and do a nifty backwards careen at an angle into the garage. The brakeman here is telling me, “Everything seems backwards, doesn’t it.” Because I was walking backwards – giving the legs a break- and their car was going backwards. I’m almost ready to…
Cafe Circuit
I met a guy at a conference and he emailed me the other day, “See you on the conference circuit,” and it made me think of other circuits I have in life. I’m currently in the Cafe Circuit. As I walk from home on errands around downtown and North Beach, there are a few cafes…
art school break
I’m recovering slowly from being sick, and strangely one or two things really stood out as what I miss most about being healthy. How, when you’re healthy, you don’t really think about your health. I mean, you do, but not as #1 important thing going on in every moment– that self-consciousness about your body and…
Things You Never Do
There’s a list of things I never do that I want to do. before you move, you end up doing them all in one week. – practice the cello (I rent one, now I need to PRACTICE) – go to yoga at the Italian American Athletic Club (every time I walk by I write down…