My Latest Development Mantras
Maybe, perhaps because I’m an English major, I tend to notice patterns in my speech. So, I noticed recently that I keep saying the same phrases in discussions regarding mobile app development: – secret sauce – no login – no back button – mentoring – phase 2 – did the customer want that – don’t…
Recording and Playback on both iPhone and Android
Download on Google Play and on iTunes My goal was to record little snippets on both iPhone and Android, and share those files between users, on Facebook. As usual, I want old Android users (2.2+) and iPhone (3+) users to participate in this app. I originally recorded in iPhone CAF, then realized the file size…
Facebook Mobile App in 20, no 7, Minutes
I’m speaking at the AT & T HTML5 Hackathon tonight, and here are my slides, and basically my entire presentation. OMG UNICORNS AND PONIES Facebook has a nifty Mobile Web SDK and tutorial, and that’s what I’m going to make. The application– a simple “find fun posts on Facebook about unicorns and ponies”. I had…
No Social Networks Countdown: 2 Days
Wow, 2 days to go. In retrospect, I’m loving the following (about this blackout): – Discovering some great writing (Jezebel, xojane, bookslut, burrito justice) – Amazing IRL times with good friends, neighbors, family members – I revamped the style of this blog – I have been reading so many entertaining blogs (see above) that I’ve…
No Social Networks: Countdown to day 1: 6
When I thought there was nothing new to report… wrong! The lastest manifestation of not being online is how folks forget that I’m not online. They think I know things going on with them, because they’ve spoken about it publicly. Which is a common thing. I am also guilty of that, having lived so publicly…
Don’t Call It An App
Tell me what you think- wrote an article on “appiness” — no, it’s not a Cockney pronunciation of happiness, but the trend towards ever increasing complexity in online interfaces, that makes them ineffective and “appy”.
No Social Network Day 28: Social Calculator
Picture: 1944: IBM co-develops its first computer, the Automated Sequence Controlled Calculator aka Mark I, with Harvard University. It was used by the Navy to calculate gun trajectories. IBM’s illustrated history In this social experiment of going off social networks, I’ve come to realize a certain calculation, or equation, in my head. I will automate…
No Social Network Day 11: No-Social-Media, and one Lapsing German Catholic
I’m giving up Facebook and Twitter for Lent. Day 11! Image from an article on how this tradition is actually American- traditional Lent observation is giving up meat, abstinence, and actually, “adding one thing,” et al. Image is a search he did on “giving up one thing.” My co-worker was using #lent as a reason…
No Social Network Day 8: “Reading Emails”
Wow, one of the biggest impacts of not reading social networks is that I’m getting much better at reading emails. If anyone has been in an online email thread with me, or on chat, they know I’m “concise to the point of being totally misunderstood,” or something along those lines, my sister Sally told me…