slumpity slump

Kind of in a slump.

Went to the Y yesterday, talked to Chris my trainer for a bit, well, he’s the personal health coach, or wellness coach, or whatever. Not sure what that means. We made an appt. to review my circuit in 2 weeks. Got a great massage, only 30 minutes though, and realized during that I have TONS of knots in my back. I took a bath last night and lay around trying to relax my back. I bet it’s all the basketball, computer work. Wreaks havoc with your shoulders. I also think that stress in my legs, hips, etc. get compensated through posture and stress inmy upper body. So doing more yoga, stretching more, and stuff will probably help. Massages always make me realize just how strangely I hold myself, how tight and constrained my posture is, etc. I remember that Esalen massage where I really felt loosey goosey afterwards. Lots of body folding and getting into big muscles like the hamstrings and back. Running and basketball also just make your legs so tight. It’s a balance, I guess.

No workout last night and none today, just taking a break. This weekend should be fun, just planned two big walks along the ocean!