
Last night saw Closer – great movie – but on the way there, in the parking lot, with the ticket, sitting down, finding candy, etc. I felt like I had some form of Alzheimers. I couldn’t read the ticket right to find out the auditorium number, I put my candy bar in my purse but thought it had fallen since it wasnt’ there (forgot I put it in the purse) so half of the movie was groping on floor, etc. trying to find it. Driving in SF was exceedingly difficult and confusing. Had to focus really hard in crowds, etc. to find validation booth. Granted, these are pretty sophisticated systems and I’m really absentminded, but still. So this morning I’m on an effort to simplify the whole stress of moving. No painting, no cleaning service, no couch, nothign to complicate things. Also getting help this weekend packing and tomorrow. Just have to focus on one or two things. It’s hard being in a new neighborhood, I’m learning lots of things every day about how to get around, etc.