But real quick, friend has a hilarious entry about Andrea Dworkin.
Realized on walk to work, haven’t found a good foundation that has sun protection (hey, I’m in the beauty biz, I can talk about product for hours). MP-protection has 30, but is too matte and not a lot of variety. Origins’ “have a nice day” is opaque and is only 15 too, but leaves face red-feeling, which my sister said was an aspect of SPF (have to look into this). Neutrogena oil-free has that coconut smell that drives me crazy with irritation. When we get ours out, that will rock. True Blend is great for getting the exactly right shade.
So I decided (shock!) to walk in the shade to work. As I’m trotting by Purple Onion and Jazz at Pearl’s, Tosca Cafe, Steps of Rome, Rose Pistola I realize, this is the herd. This is the commuter bunch. Everyone does this. It took me, what, 4 months to figure out I need to walk on the shady side of the street.
Sims2 University arrived on Tues from Amazon. So tired today from last night- had to get my Clive Owen character into a frat house. Had to create a frat house, in fact, because my “reed-like” university didn’t have Greek. Then Beyonce Knowles wanted to shag her professor (everyone wants to shag him, he’s shagilicious). You can see I’m playing out some fantasy scenarios here. Weird, whenever Clive enters a room all the girls wave their hands and give a wolf whistle.
I’m on a quest for cheap Indian that does not require burners to keep warm for a friends bar party. This may lead to a several hour trip in a car with tikka masala smelling it up.
I’m also on a quest for a smog check place. Bob’s the all-Chinese speaking mechanic on the way to work doesn’t do it. I wish they did, and no end of wishing just won’t make it so. California is charging me 20$ for each week I procrastinate this Car Care. Other annoying errand is to renew passport.
I hope to get off sudaphedrine soon as it’s making me feel like a Speed Freak. Losing weight too fast, can’t sleep, hyper and annoying personality (wait that’s not drugs…).
My latest OCD behavior is to translate everything I’m saying into Chinese. If I can’t translate, I talk around it, pretending I’m in China. I used to do this French and Russian, and now with impending visit, do it with Chinese. It’s a good refresher, it’s just funny because there a lot of people in this town who know Chinese, so I’m getting some odd looks on the street.