Retail Workers in Fisherman’s Wharf

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There’s a sub culture a few blocks away from me that is vibrant and happening. It’s the kids from TGIF who pound weird absinthe-colored shots after the doors have closed. It’s the white shirted starbucks employee grabbing five In & Out burgers for their housemates back in the Haight. It’s the Borders employees giving Cost Plus employees discounts on Sudoku books. It’s the Walgreens girls getting dim sum for the office before showing up. The workers of the world (in Fisherman’s Wharf tourism) unite!

Talked to two happenin’ representatives last night at Borders. I had procraastinated doing endless fun tasks (taxes, plot formations) by counting a jar of change. More than 40$! Like a kid with their first dollar, I decided to spend it on lattes and books at my nearest non-independent, Borders. City Lights does not satisfy if you want something decadent and frothy you’re going to send to your Mom. While waiting to count out seven dollars in dimes, she asked me, “where did you get that awesome purse” (aw shucks- seat belt purses online, and Therapy in the Mission). We talked more about change, which is best, which has good denominations, how useful it is, and how her register would be the heaviest tonight. In the cafe, they were closing down, scraping the heavy solidified cream off of the steamer nozzle (totally disgusting.) No discussion on cream, more on what you inheret from your grandparents, and how time seems to be going very slowly lately in the long dark hours.