It’s over 75 degrees in San Francisco and you know it’s headed for a scorcher in San Jose. How can places so close to each other vary in temperature, without an altitude difference? It’s amazing. I headed down the peninsula this morning. Total clothing crisis: I just don’t have summer clothes for SF. Because even if you do venture out in a tank top you have to layer so much, what’s the point? I realized that freeways and the views from freeways are “the way we see things,” in reference, at least to bringing back the memories. Sure, going to my old high school or elementary school would do it, but driving down the same curves in the highway bring it back a whole lot.
“This is where my car died and a stranger drove me to the offramp.”
“This is where Brian See got a ticket for going 80 mph. We thought he was so cool.”
“This is where the Loma Prieta put a huge crack in the Seminary’s steeple.”
“This is SLAC”
“This is the Dish”
“This is where I think I’m really close to SF.”
“This is where I am really close to Cupertino.”
“This is where I went to that crappy writing class.” (Foothill)
etc. a monologue only interesting to myself.