I was taking a fifteen minute break by walking across the street to get a double-latte. So you want to increase your productivity. You take 15 minutes to get some beverage that will make you work twice as hard. Is that better than working for 30 minutes slower, than 15 minutes faster?
I’m thinking a lot about time because I’m crocheting. When I knit, I also think of time. It may be a form of meditation, I don’t know. Every time you make a loop- because that’s all knitting and crocheting is, a series of nested loops, you think of infinity, a cog in the wheel, your moment in time as part of a matrix of time. And sometimes you undo the loops- ripping out ring after ring- and then you realize your yarn is not as durable or stretchy anymore. Sure, it looks better, but it doesn’t live as long, or have quite the quality of life it had. What am I saying? Analogous to what? You ask. Well, you could say that pouring over nostalgia makes your current life not as great.
I walked around the Mission on Friday night- one of those odd balmy non-SF (but very South Bay) spring nights. We all used to carouse here, and now we are stuck on mentioning how everyone looks young, how we don’t go out anymore, how we’re visitors. I jumped ahead in time by stopping in at Ritual Roasters and getting a cappuccino. Then, dropping by a friends and watching far too many hilarious cartoon podcasts. I don’t regret the nostalgia, it makes me appreciate the future.