I went to Russia

White Fox, yes.
I was told tonight that I hadn’t informed my blog audience that I’d been. So there it is. At Sergey Posad, trying on a white fur hat. I should have bought it! It was $200.

requisite Kremlin shot

This is the requisite Kremlin shot. I was told I stand like my sister Sally, and all of my nieces, when we are in photos. It’s like this weird Billstrom photo-pose.

Best-of photos on Flickr
Patrick‘s set- fellow tourist who took extraordinary shots.
My full 350 travel set of Russia, and Sweden (another 350!).
More posts on my trip. Longest Way Home, (travel food notes part 3) Borscht, Travel Food Notes, Part 2: Split Pea Soup, Travel Food Notes, Part 1: Fish salad & Horseradish, and AHHA KAREHEHA.