In the simple example explained in this tutorial, and others, there are a few key points that I wish I’d seen in a blog somewhere, ha. It’s best to deal with literals, so I am recreating the example quickly, with notes on what aspects to check. If you have a complex or already created app, the first few steps will seem familiar. It seems to be an orchestration or sequence of references to IB objects and Xcode classes.
- Create a windows-based application for iPhone, for the sake of this example, I named it “test3”.
- Create a new File that is a View Controller, and give it a name (like RootViewController). SDK3.2 creates an appropriate XIB for you with the same name.
- Double-click MainWindow.xib in XCode to launch IB.
- In MainWindow, go Tools/Reveal in Document Window. Drag a UINavigationController object from the Library to the Document view, below “Window”.
- Open up the the Navigation Controller, expand View Controller. Access Tools/Inspector. Making sure View Controller is selected in the Document Window, view “Identity” and set class to your RootViewController class.
Note: This associates the navigation controller in IB to the one you’ve created in your bundle. - Click the Attributes tab and change the NamedNib to RootViewController.
Note: this associates the navigation controller NIB in IB to the one in your app bundle. - Also verify that, when Window in Document view is selected, the Inspector’s Connections tab shows that Window is pointing to [your app name]AppDelegate, for me it is “test3AppDelegate”.
Note: this tells the app that when Window is loaded, access the Delegate to see instructions on what to load. - Verify that: In Test3AppDelegate of Document view, check the Inspector /Connections, and confirm that window->Window, and delegate->File’s Owner.
Note: This confirms that your class file’s instance variable “window” is properly mapped to XIB’s Window object. - Now go back to XCode, we’re going to setup the NavController instance variable.
- Add the variable to the test3AppDelegate.h:
@interface test3AppDelegate : NSObject{
UIWindow *window;
UINavigationController *navContr;
}@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UIWindow *window;
@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UINavigationController *navContr; - Add variable to .m
@synthesize window;
@synthesize navContr;
- While we’re here, let’s load the subview too, in “didFinishLaunchingWithOptions().”
RootViewController *rootViewController = [[RootViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"RootViewController" bundle:nil];
[navContr pushViewController:rootViewController animated:NO];
[rootViewController release];
[window addSubview:navContr.view];
[window makeKeyAndVisible];
- Remember to release the object:
- (void)dealloc {
[navContr release];
[window release];
[super dealloc];
- Add the variable to the test3AppDelegate.h:
- Back in IB, we have one last step: connect the Navigation Controller in MainWindow to the instance variable we just created. So click on Document View, select test3AppDelegate, and open Inspector/Connections tab. You should see your navigationController variable there – Now Control-drag it to the NavigationController in your Document View.
- Save, and run.