Notes and reference links for Women2.0 Labs Prototyping Talk, 10/2/2010
A/B versioning code sample at github: — feel free to use, reuse, etc. totally open source.
Source Code versioning/hosting:
Mainly Git:
SVN and some other SC:
Free/Open Source Site Hosting:
Ruby on Rails Hosting:
Ruby on Rails installation guides at Devchix Wiki
Test Driven Development:
– wikipedia article
– Test-First Teaching
Test Frameworks:
– Rspec
– Cucumber
– Selenium
Metrics/Analysis tools
Mobile analytics:
– MixPanel
– Flurry
Mobile development SDKs:
– iPhone SDK
– Google SDK
Development Timeline:
– Week1: Basic Ruby on Rails models of user, flight, flight-select (what flight they chose to freeze). Demo features: scaffolded “create flight” and “assign flight” and user save.
– Week 2: Create survey in Rails. Kayak API integration. Restrict to top 25 flight origins & destinations (from analysis), A/B version testing on single result vs. multiple result (low-fare vs. low-fare options)
– Week 3: Shorten survey, move email grab higher, push flight search to home page (remove front door-flash page), working on new API (with booking), setup button test harness.
– Week 4: price testing/ random, dynamic button display, cotinue working on new API (with booking)
– Week 5: random testing results, new API key, new date drop downs
Sample flow:
– Presentation on Thursday
– Meet Thursday after class to determine time to meet, new features
– Work and test new features during week, perhaps 2 cycles of this
– Create presentation based on results of earlier features.