Author: banane

  • back from beijing

    I’ve finaly gotten enough sleep not to feel dizzy. I flew in yesterday on a small boeing 700 plane yesterday afternoon from the longest journey of my life. It started at 5am in Beijing, checking out of my sleepy hutong-courtyard hotel. The staff there sleep behind the desk in a makeshift bed (six chairs pushed…

  • Jokes in Other Languages

    So, procrastinating to write yesterday I found -> in another country, Belgium, and it’s a joke site (blague!). So I translated a joke. Funny how your language skills are really good when you are motivated! Warning, adult content! Deux copains sont devant un tableau de Picasso. – Ça représente quoi, ce truc ? ?…

  • maritine museum, bar pilots

    Randomly today, on my walk around Aquatic Park, I decided to stop at the Maritime Museum on Beach Street, right across from the Dolphin Club and in the Argonaut Hotel. Wow, it was an excellent exhibit and I ended up staying over an hour, up to closing time. A few key things you shouldn’t miss…

  • fire! fire! and Warming Hut/Fort Point

    Fire! Fire! My brother in law, sister, and assorted friends were enjoying a glass of wine on the roof of my apartment yesterday. We were beseiged with mist, basically, since it was a really warm winter day but the precipitation was coming hard. Bro-In-Law goes, “I haven’t really been listening to you guys for the…

  • ohmigod ohmigod ohmigod

    Not many great things make me sound like a snively 13 year old again except for… I found a Peets 3 blocks from my house!!! I was out walking along my favorite route so far, down columbus (too noisy!!!) to Hyde St. cable car turnaround, down along Aquatic Park. Then out along the pier turn…

  • neighborhood notes Kind of addicted to this site: Tracks what music you’re listening to, gives you “neighbors” and lets you stalk, I mean, check up on what your friends are listening to as well. I’m “banane71” if you want to befriend me. I only have 1 friend. And it’s some intergalactic person. Anyway… Overheard Overheard…

  • Stairwalks of SF, The Ski Jump, Bay Cruise

    I’ve had a busy leisure life apparently, because not only have I done some cool SF touristy things, but had no time to write about it! Stairwalks of SF My buddy (good news for optimists, on right) and her buddy, et moi, went on a “stairwalks of SF” hike on Sunday, I believe. I was…

  • SF, You Minx You

    My friend (see to the right, apple pie proud) recently posted a great pathetic fallacy that has inspired me as well, to tell the time when I was seduced by the city. The city being a lover, that is. That’s the pathetic fallacy part. A new literary phrase that I learned listening to a review…

  • time to haiku

    SF weather update: (because this information is nowhere on the internet?) misty, no salt water air. Muggy, cold winds, warm (you want to take your hoodie off). Little sprinkles on Montgomery and California intersection. Glare at Sansome and Sutter. Tourists confused, locals mumbling to each other “here comes summer.” We start remembering earlier winter months…

  • friday afternoon

    People are sitting at Ozumo’s early this afternoon (3pm?) and the sun is super shining. Saw a woman walk into the Jewish Museum on Steuart, with a big bag from Imperial Tea House- had this riff in my mind about how she was visiting from some suburban city for her “day in the City.” Walked…