Category: fiction

  • iParent: The Salad Days

    iParent: The Salad Days

    Jax put a handful of sand in his mouth, and I should have reached over and grabbed his chubby little hand, but I knew that with only a few taps, I could almost finish my deposit. The deposit that would make or break my rent check. I stretched my foot out to nudge his hand…

  • iParent: Hot Dad

    iParent: Hot Dad

    Jax picked up a fistful of sand and placed it carefully in his mouth, eying it, and his mother across the sandbox, simultaneously. She was heads down on her phone, both thumbs furiously tapping. He stuck out his tongue, layered in sand, and started wailing. She glanced at him, shoved the phone in her pocket,…

  • Woodward’s Garden, Chapter 5: Liu Sing

    He was the sixth of eight brothers in the An-Wei province in the delta waters that emptied into the Canton district and finally Hong Kong. He was sent to America- Old Gold Mountain more specifically- also named San Francisco. The Italian name never conjured up, for him, the dreams of promise, that came from the…

  • Woodward’s Garden- a novel

    This is my novel, Woodward’s Graden’s. It’s a story of a few people on the edge of the millenium in San Francisco. Please comment- love to know what you think. -Anna Chapter 1: Woodward’s Garden She took the trolley across town and walked a few blocks to the next one, the Green Line down to…

  • I Can Haz Copy?

    Welcome to I Can Haz Murder, a murder mystery… start here A strip joint in the morning, an empty paddy wagon trolling down the main drag, two young guys in striped shirts and jeans, stumbling and laughing down Grant Street with lattes. This was the cheerful grittiness of Beth’s walk up Columbus to her new…

  • I Can Haz Murder: Lego my Tikka

    Killing off Web 2.0 folks, one at a time. Enjoy I Can Haz Murder, a serialized murder mystery. If you guess the answer, you get a special “smartypants” chiclet Nick powered down his $2 Guinness. He sang tunelessly along with “Sister Christian” on the jukebox, along with his friends, hwile also eating Indian food. Gretchen,…

  • Mystery Title & Smilies

    why I don’t like smilies on This is my motivation for the mystery series: Death to Smilies, btw. Poll is still open… [poll id=”3″]

  • Vote on a Name, People

    New murder mystery starting. In this one, laid off workers get laid, entrepreneurs get pruned, and software developers go soft. But first, in this blush of enthusiasm, I ask my readers to pick a name. If you have any bright ideas, add them to the comments and we might do a revote. Titles in the…

  • Travel Food Notes: Part 1 Fish Salad & Horseradish

    My host in Sweden, Ingrid, served me horseradish soup one of the last nights, and I loved the peppery creaminess of it, so I roughly recreated the recipe yesterday for my Dad. From Epicurious and altered. Ingrid said she bought it at the store and re-heated. 1. The hard part is finding fresh horseradish. Whole…

  • Betty G: Chapter 9

    (Novel in progress) Betty and Anita walked through the aisles of the Farmer’s Market, then stopped at the back of a white truck. Anita peered in the cooler. “What is this?” A middle-aged guy put his hands on his white apron, “We’ve got rabbit, veal, pheasant…” Anita and Betty laughed quickly and paid the $40…