Category: Killerizr

  • Killerizr: In For the Kill

    Beth wasn’t ready for an interrogation this morning. The moment she stepped into work Sosa called her cell. If she wanted to see the interrogation with the number one suspect, head down to the precinct. She walked a few blocks over to the precinct and Mikey buzzed her in. He told her Sosa was in…

  • Killerizr: Smugness

    Sosa called Beth to meet them at the garage, and soon they were cruising down Columbus Ave towards Market St. Beth sat in the back and Mikey and Sosa sat in the front of their unmarked Crown Victoria. “This guy is on your 1st degree list. He was at a couple of the Socializr events,…

  • Killerizr: Living Offline

    Sosa and Mikey took Stockton to Vallejo, and past the old church to Caffe Trieste. Sosa didn’t remind Mikey to call the suspects before hand. It was close enough to be an informal post-dim sum cappuccino. Sosa knew he was violating the “no milk after noon” Italian rule, but didn’t inform Mikey. “Two cappuccinos.” Sosa…

  • Killerizr: Lurkers

    Sosa and Beth sat at the round table of New Asia, with the lazy susan spinning idly under his fingers. “I’m sure that’s angering some Lazy Susan god.” Beth commented, and swirled the tea leaves in her small white cup. “You know, the chopstick gods, the rice gods, on and on.” “My wife was telling…

  • Killerizr: Social What?

    Mikey pulled on his jacket and headed to the stairs to get his car from the parking garage. He had Beth’s list in his hand- the list of the final few suspects that converged with his own list, determined by real detective work. It took him 30 minutes to get to Cole Valley and park,…

  • Killerizr: Stairs & Flakes

    Tony led Jane up the Greenwich steps. “Ugh, I can’t go anymore!” She whined. She had worn strappy shoes and was paying the price with a big blister on her back heel. He pinched her backside and she squealed. Finally they reached the top and tromped up the final incline. A cable car rang its…

  • Killerizr: 2 Degrees

    Beth walked into the anteroom of the Central Station on Vallejo and tapped on the glass. Mikey was sitting behind his desk, head down, hands in his pompadour- styled after Newsom no doubt. He saw her and came over to open the door. “What’s wrong?” Beth asked. Mikey walked back to his desk. “I’m never…

  • Killerizr: Handling the Competition

    Eric rolled over. He was tangled up in his eggplant 1000 count Egyptian sheets. His ex had insisted he upgrade. He wasn’t that involved in linens. She was picky, though. If she was going to stay over, he had to upgrade. She hadn’t been over, though, in 11 months. Almost a year. Eric picked up…

  • Killerizr: Newbies & The Rules

    Newbies Beth sat in her cobalt jail, listening to opera, and emailed her latest status report to Sosa. Almost instantaneously, he chatted her on Yahoo: “So I’m full time on this multiple homicide now. ” She turned down the opera and picked up the phone. He kept talking where he left off in chat. “The…

  • Killerizr: Bologna, MySpace & Vov

    Bologna Mikey dropped his Molinaris‘ sandwich- 5 kinds of bologna layered in white French roll goodness- on his desk. He made no attempt to unwrap it. “I don’t know how you can eat at any time before or after visiting the coroner,” he said to Sosa’s general direction. Sosa looked up from his Crackberry. “I…