Category: jobhunting

  • Letter To My Career Coach

    Letter To My Career Coach

    Dear career coach, I did your exercise: “Decide what kind of things I must have,” and I’ve listed below what I want: A job. It took me about a half hour to figure that out. Whew! Then, I wrote an answer to your other question: “What kind of things I’d like to have”: An income…

  • My interviewer

    I had some issues hearing my interviewer yesterday. Imagine a huge curtain of beautiful hair (sorry mine does not suffice!)

  • I’ve scheduled a call with your scheduler

    I’ve scheduled a call with your scheduler

    Susanna: Hi, I’m amazed at your background, would you like to interview at Famous Amazing Company? Let’s schedule a call. Just 30 minutes. I’ll forward you to a scheduler Deirdre: I’m Susanna’s scheduler, can you send me your availabilities? 2 days later Deirdre: I’ve setup a call for you at 10 AM Thursday. Me: I’m…

  • The Job Flux, and Helping Others

    Sadly, I was laid off last week. The job flux causes so much stress and anxiety. It’s hard getting back into job hunting- selling yourself, brushing up on skills, the sheer work of it. And, as an introvert I’m just not up to interacting all day long with people. On top of that, it’s the…