Category: technology

  • UITableViewCell AccessoryType Toggling

    I recently battled with this feature: to create a toggling checkmark on a UITableViewCell, between two different cells. Here is the solution, in brief. The tableview loads from an array that contains arrays- each array is a section. The one in question contains two values – the option values, @”A” and @”B”. We’ll call it…

  • Teaching Kids to Program

    OK, I sat down my niece and nephew before bed, and we had a little period of Intro to Programming. It lasted about 15 minutes. Not their fault at all. I talked to my sister-the-educator about it later and she nodded knowingly. I wasn’t prepared. So I’ve written up the final-state program here. It’s a…

  • Ephemera Demo

    This is the live presentation of our iPad app, Ephemera, from hack/hackers event a month ago. Thanks so much to Rich for the filming and editing! It’s *so nice* to be able to listen to the judges without the panic of being onstage, I have to say. It’s kind of painful to see such a…

  • Pumping Up Ephemera

    So doing some work lately on Ephemera- that’s the iPad app that consolidates local museum media on a Google Maps interface, so you can get a timeline view of your city. What have I done? – Created the timeline! Now you can scroll over time and view all of the media. – Click over to…

  • Ephemera: iPad App

    My project partner Stacy Bond (that’s Bond, Stacy Bond) and I built and presented our iPad app at Hack/Hackers Unite this weekend. Our project? “Ephemera” an overlay of the map of SF with local trivia/history. The app locates you, and shows all of the annotations for local treasures around you. You can also click over…

  • Hack/Hackers Unite: We Will Judge Your Play

    So I recently attended, at KQED, a “Hacks/Hackers Unite” project: get iPad developers and journalists together to tell a story. I struggled, pretty much entirely through the weekend, to be enthusiastic. I had to seriously rally the second day to attend. I’m not sure why it wasn’t as inspirational and energetic, focused, fun, etc. as…

  • iPhone Projects

    I have a few apps that are open source & the code is available: CootieCatcher Currently in store. This is a “teach girls to program” game, it’s a release. Using Core Data and some basic animation to create a fortune-telling game. I’m the only developer. Le Bingueau A bingo game to help you…

  • Directory Issues with xCode Projects & SVN/Google Code

    I encountered this problem: getting an “already under source control” error when I tried to add my *.xcodeproj file to svn. I was struggling with some issues after I renamed my iPhone project. I had done this before with another project. The file in question was my iPhone project file, “*.xcodeproj”. It appears as a…

  • iPhone Development: Layers, Color and Core Animation

    I’m reading Marcus Zarra and Matt Long’s book Core Animation– it’s written on a framework/library mainly for the Mac OS, but I’m using it to learn about iPhone development. So I’m trying all of the exercises, on the iPhone. There are occasional notes regarding the difference, but here is example chapter 5, “Scale Transform,” rewritten…

  • Women Rarely Attend Alone: Notes on Diversity & Women in Tech

    This is like some logic interview test: a woman signs up for a technical conference. You can assume that two women will show up. But no more women will sign up if only one is on the list. Will women ever increase in attendance? (Answer: no). The Sarahs of RailsBridge were joking once that it’s…